Examining the Maricopa County RINO’s Ties to George Soros and His Web of Deception


As the Maricopa County election audit continues to stir controversy, a new revelation has come to light from a conservative perspective. Stephen Richer, the supposedly Republican County Recorder, has been exposed for his ties to liberal billionaire George Soros and his agenda to "protect" the election process. In this article, we will delve into the evidence and analyze the implications of this shocking discovery.

First and foremost, it is important to understand who Stephen Richer is and his role in the Maricopa County election debacle. Despite being elected as a Republican, Richer has shown his true colors by aligning himself with Soros, a known antagonist of conservative values. This raises the question: can Richer truly be trusted to uphold the integrity of the election process?

In fact, Richer's connections to Soros run deep. Not only has he received significant financial support from Soros-backed organizations, but he has also been involved in events and organizations that promote Soros' agenda. It is no surprise, then, that he would be determined to undermine the audit and maintain the status quo of the 2020 election results.

Furthermore, it is not just Richer's personal ties to Soros that are cause for concern, but also his actions as County Recorder. Reports have surfaced of Richer intimidating and harassing auditors, attempting to hinder their progress and discredit their findings. This blatant interference and disregard for transparency only reinforces the suspicion that he has something to hide.

It is worth noting that Richer is not the only RINO (Republican In Name Only) in Maricopa County who is tied to Soros. There are other elected officials and individuals in positions of power who have been exposed for their connections to the liberal billionaire. This raises the question of how deep the influence of Soros runs and how many others are complicit in his efforts to manipulate our democracy.

Despite the mounting evidence against him, Richer continues to deny any wrongdoing and deflect blame onto others. However, his actions speak louder than his words. It is clear that he is not interested in upholding the truth and protecting the integrity of our elections, but rather in protecting his own interests and those of his puppet master, Soros.

The implications of this discovery are far-reaching and alarming. If we cannot trust our elected officials to remain unbiased and defend the sanctity of our democratic process, then our entire system is at risk. We must demand accountability and transparency from those in positions of power, and hold them accountable for their actions and affiliations.

In conclusion, the ties between Maricopa County RINO Stephen Richer and George Soros cannot be ignored. They call into question the integrity of the election process and raise concerns about the trustworthiness of our elected officials. As the audit continues and more evidence is uncovered, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and demand answers. Our democracy depends on it.

What are YOUR thoughts on the Maricopa RINOS?

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  1. Richer’s buddy in the audit fiasco was Ken Bennett. Both leaked information to the press and later Bennett directed taxpayer money to the Secretary of State’s office.

    Birds of a feather!

  2. There is a wealth of information just from the auditors, experts, witnesses and professors lending their insight as to just how deep the 2022 elections were totally gerry-mandered. The key person who performed the midnight to 6 AM sham Ballot count for Board Chairman, Bill Gates, is none other than Assistant Director of Elections Cecilia Nabors(now hiding in Mexico). Yes, Richer’s right-hand pick to “deliver” proper vote counts for those candidates on ballots with “wins.” Started in 2016 and continued to 2022. Then there was the Sheriff Penzone who also bird-dogged the various tables of “enablers” scribbling signatures on bogus ballots…there’s more, so much more…and Soros HAS TO PUT A LID ON THIS “REVIEW” OTHERWISE HIS “Grand Plan” goes up in flames. Pray, Amen. Read A Bible. Katy Hobbs even had enablers (made false Deeds of Trust)in the sinaloa cartels – to pay for her election. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. God Bless. There’s a full newspaper story on these antics, too.

  3. Yes Democrat corruption everywhere and all that is done is talk, talk, and more talk about their corruption! Nothing at all is ever done to them, there is no enforcement against them! They will STEAL the next and all future elections in this country! These Democrat Marxist Fascist criminals accomplished the insurrection of this country in the 2020 Election stolen from President Trump and will never give their power except by force! These corrupt Democrats are sick evil people that have and will continue to destroy this country!


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