Self-Serving Secrecy: When Congress Places Itself Above the Law


In an era where the integrity of American democracy is constantly under scrutiny, a recent decision by the U.S. Congress has sparked significant concern among conservatives and defenders of privacy rights alike. In what appears to be a stark display of legislative hypocrisy, lawmakers have reportedly carved out an exemption for themselves from the stringent surveillance oversight typically enforced under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

FISA, established to oversee and regulate the manner in which domestic surveillance is conducted for national security purposes, has been a topic of heated debate and contention. Its purpose, while rooted in protecting national interests, has raised valid concerns regarding privacy infringements and the potential for governmental overreach. The recent maneuvers by Congress, however, elevate these concerns to new heights, showcasing a troubling departure from foundational principles of accountability and equality before the law.

At the heart of this decision lies a fundamental question: Why should members of Congress be granted protections unfathomable to the average American citizen? This move not only undermines public trust in governmental institutions but also perpetuates a dangerous precedent where lawmakers are seen as operating above the laws they create and enforce.

The conservative viewpoint has long championed the sanctity of individual liberties and the necessity of limited government. The actions of Congress, in this case, starkly contradict these core values, suggesting a shift towards convenience and self-preservation at the expense of civil liberties. Such a dichotomy between what is preached and what is practiced erodes the fabric of our democratic ideals, stoking rightful outrage and skepticism amongst the populace.

Moreover, this development poses grave implications for the future of surveillance oversight in the United States. By exempting themselves, lawmakers effectively remove a layer of accountability, potentially opening the door for more invasive surveillance tactics under the guise of national security. This not only jeopardizes the privacy of U.S. citizens but also calls into question the integrity and impartiality of those in power.

The rationale provided for this exemption, if any, is likely to be cloaked in national security concerns. However, conservatives argue that true security cannot come at the cost of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution. The strength of a nation lies not in the unchecked power of its government, but in its unwavering commitment to liberty and justice for all.

It is imperative, now more than ever, for the voices of reason and conservatism to unite in opposition to this egregious overstep. The principles of transparency, accountability, and equal justice must be defended vigorously, without succumbing to the temptations of power and privilege. Congress must remember that it serves the people, and in doing so, must not exempt itself from the standards it sets for the nation.

In conclusion, this self-serving carve-out by Congress is a clarion call for conservatives and all who value individual liberties. It is a reminder that vigilance in the face of governmental overreach is essential, and that the battle for privacy, transparency, and accountability is ongoing. Only through consistent and principled opposition can we hope to preserve the freedoms that define our great nation.

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  1. Biden has already taken so much from the American people and given it to the illegal immigrants. Now they want to take away our privacy. What will be next having someone watch us in the bathroom 24/7.

  2. Being a American at 57 I never in my wildest dreams believed we would be where we are in life the government useing and selling drugs to fight fire with fire and use God of all creations to allow our life in America to be destroyed by what is a vicious circle jerk of a money/greed and then bring in a new civilization and do it over again (wow) sorry lived it and see it for what it really is a Hollywood movie in the making and all for money and power and we Americans are the free cast.

  3. This government has turn this country around so bad that it doesn’t even feel like the land of the free anymore. We the people are struggling so bad just to stay afloat. It needs to be stopped and I mean like now before we become a communist country with no rights of our own the Government work for the people so hear the people. We need Trump back in office.

  4. Congress must remember they are not above the law. They should not be exempt from anything an ordinary citizen has to abide by. They are voted in and they can sure be voted out. Brand new faces in Washington would be a welcome sight to millions of Americans.

  5. The Congress isn’t above the law. American citizens are not to be spyed on nor should any other citizen. Whether they are regular citizens or members of any branch of the government. This is part if the reason we fought for the American Revolution agsinst the British. To get out from under tyranny.

  6. Why exemptions for themselves, unless they are the ones hiding their corruption? Sort of like the insiders trading and how normal people end up in jail, but they just prosper! Time to hold them accountable by laws, remove the incentives, make them play fair!

  7. Most of the Republican Representatives voted no. Is that to cover their butts from the FBI keeping an eye on them? Are they any better than the tax payors? I know that my Representative just lost a few votes for his no vote. When my family read the bill, all of them Republicans, said they may as well be Democrats who most know are corrupt and dishonest. If my count is correct, 19 votes for our current Representative is, or will be gone


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