Uncovering the Democrats’ Devious Plot to Assassinate President Trump


The political world is abuzz with shocking allegations from Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. In an explosive interview, she claimed that the Democrats have a sinister plan to have President Trump murdered while he is in jail. As a staunch conservative, I was appalled and deeply concerned by these grave accusations. In this article, we will dive into the details of Greene's claims and examine them from a conservative point of view.

First and foremost, let's address the elephant in the room – the controversial source of these allegations. We cannot simply ignore Greene's claims because they come from a source that may not align with our views. Instead, we must analyze the evidence presented and make our own conclusions.

According to Greene, the Democrats are determined to silence President Trump and his supporters at any cost. She alleges that they are planning to have him jailed and then murdered, in order to eliminate him as a political threat.

As a conservative, I am well aware of the Democrats' blatant hatred for President Trump and their constant attempts to undermine his presidency. Therefore, it is not far-fetched to believe that they would go to extreme measures to remove him from the political arena.

Moreover, Greene points to the Democrats' repeated calls for Trump's impeachment and the recent impeachment trial as evidence of their desperation to get rid of him. She also highlights the Democrats' history of dirty tactics and their close ties to the media as potential avenues for carrying out their alleged plan. As a conservative, I cannot deny the Democrats' relentless attacks on President Trump and their constant vilification of him in the media. This makes Greene's accusations all the more plausible.

Furthermore, Greene's claims have been met with vehement denial and condemnation from the Democrats. However, as conservatives, we know that the Democrats are masters of deception and manipulation. They have a history of covering up their true intentions and using diversion tactics to mislead the public. So, it is not surprising that they would deny these allegations and attempt to discredit Greene.

As a conservative, I am deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of President Trump. These allegations, if true, pose a grave threat not only to him but to our democracy as a whole. If the Democrats are willing to go to such extreme lengths to silence their political opponents, what other tactics are they capable of using? As conservatives, we must stand up against any attempts to suppress our voices and undermine our democracy.

In conclusion, Marjorie Taylor Greene's accusations against the Democrats may seem outrageous to some, but as conservatives, we must take them seriously and analyze them objectively. It is our duty to uncover the truth and expose any attempts to undermine our democracy. While we cannot confirm the validity of these allegations, we must remain vigilant and continue to fight for the values and principles that we hold dear. The fate of our country and our democracy may depend on it.

What are YOUR thoughts on what MTG said?

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  1. I would not put it past them!! Look at all of the people murdered by the Clinton Arkancide group! And Epstein being murdered while in jail?! And how many others that we’ve never heard about, that just disappear!!

    • The reporter that shot himself in the back of the head and they called it suicide. Ridiculous…like the server in her basement or whatever, scrubbed with DOD level format and lying about everything. Still confused why nobody went to jail for that. It’s worse than what they are accusing Trump for. Biden can’t be prosecuted because he’s brain dead…how convenient. Wait, what? He’s not in charge, but who is? Obama, his far left of left staff? Why doesn’t this raise alarm bells EVERYWHERE!!

      My guess is that the Biden campaign will replace Harris as VP with Michelle Obama. They will declare Biden as incompetent. He has been incompetent for the past 2+ years and getting worse. Anyway, MO becomes president and takes AF One to travel the world leaving BO to finish fundamentaly changing America into a third world country.

      They will win again, because they will do the same thing as last time, plus they have 10 Million new voters that are here illegally and are not authorized to vote in any election. No one will stop them, even though we all know what’s happening. It’s like nobody gives a damn.

      This country is no longer the “Shining City Upon a Hill”. It’s a country where common sense and the rule of law is so twisted and distorted, I don’t recognize it anymore. The ENTIRE political system is corrupt and unhinged from reality. So much so that if things don’t change, we are going to self destruct.

      Wake the F up!!!! Not “Woke”. That’s just silly and ignorant.

      I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore!!

      Open your windows, or go outside and yell, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore” C’mon, do it. Everyone who can see what’s happening will know exactly what you are talking about. The ones that are Woke and think everything is fine will never hear you. They will be waiting at the end for their reward, but nothing goes to the useful idiots. Only the elite are rewarded with yours and everyone else’s stuff.

      Welcome to the USSA! Misery and pain is all that’s left in this country.

    • Epstein was killed in a federal facility under the control of the Trump administration, since Trump was president at the time. So if anyone killed him, it was on Trump’s orders to stop Epstein from revealing information on Trump raping underage girls. Of course, I don’t know why Trump would bother as his cult couldn’t care less if he had done that.

      • Trump did NO SUCH THING. you are an idiot that watches too much public TV. Too scared to think for yourself. Boo hoo you don’t like trump,well guess what? If he’s not elected the whole USA w be up in arms heading for the Whitehouse. Its tyranny at its final level with Biden. He is an embarrassment to our country. He will never be my president. He has run our country in the ground a needs to be impeached.

  2. It would not surprise me at all, if the Demonrats had Trump killed. They are desperate to keep their misdeeds from coming to light. The stakes in politics are high.

  3. LISTEN UP….Fear Not…The LORD GOD will do HIS Best to Protect HIS Servant TRUMP. TRUMP shall Fulfill his Destiny …just as JESUS Fulfilled HIS. From SamuraiQueen aka CHIAKIA. 😄😄😄😇😇😇😉😉😉

  4. Wow. Green is stealing my thunder. However they won’t murder Mr. Trump. He will “commit suicide”, and the authorities will claim he was simply despondent when they find him hung in his cell.

  5. It will not happen, He’s protected by Jehovah God!! God Wins. It’s all going to turn.
    God merely laughs, At there plans. Justice is coming, it’s already happening. Trust Jesus 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • Praying for the Lord God to keep His Angels around Trump & his family members, and protect them, daily, from evil intentions.

  6. I wouldn’t put it past them. I have feared for his life for quite a while now. I will not be surprised if they jail him. But the secret service MUST remain by him for protection, especially in light of the whole Epstein “mystery” which don’t forget, took place in NYC! If they don’t hopefully he will be able to have private security.

    I believe he knows much more about how corrupt our government is than he has told the public. He’s probably not able as a former President to publicly divulge certain classified information. It’s scary. Pray for President Trump. The elites and Soros money is behind more corruption in government than we know.

    • Epstein was killed in a federal facility under the control of the Trump administration, since Trump was president at the time. So if anyone killed him, it was on Trump’s orders to stop Epstein from revealing information on Trump raping underage girls. Of course, I don’t know why Trump would bother as his cult couldn’t care less if he had done that.

  7. I put nothing past the Democrats. They already have the MSM working as their agent provocateurs. They don’t care about America or the citizens who occupy the country. All they crave is power and in order to maintain that power they are willing to destroy the country and anyone that stands in their way. Despicable!

  8. The corruption has been going on for many many years. They will never let an outsider in for that reason. It reminds me of the movie “Mr. Jones goes to Washington. No outsider will ever will have a chance. President Trump however is different and very smart with a strong personality and they were hoping that he would fold and leave. So the next best thing is to kill him. Evil wants to destroy.

  9. I think that trying to take away secret service protection of Trump shows hoe ruthless the Dems are.
    Why is the Supreme Court not putting an end to the travesties that the Dems are loading on Trump.
    Where are the checks and balances in our justice system.

  10. If God would protect Trump, no little children would never die ether. God does not protect, he does give salvation though. Did yall not see the reporter screaming active shooter. She stated it several times. They will attempt it to start civil unrest and martial law. Yes God help us all and pass the ammo.

  11. MTG ‘s comments do have merit. After all, it wasn’t the Republicans who killed JFK,or Abe Lincoln. When JFK reversed course on Cuba, and called back American air support, which was promised to Cuban loyalists, the US Military Industrial Complex saw that move as a signal that JFK might also be inclined to an abrupt pullout of US troops from Vietnam.The MIC had too much invested in that war to allow that to happen. Thus “The Oswald Deception”. As for Lincoln, his assassins were all aligned with the Dixie Democrats, who were anything but Republicans. Let us not forget the Epstein suicide. His book on democratic patrons did not identify one Republican as a client. Owing to this error in judgement, they want us to believe that he was so grievous of this fact, that he hung himself. No one kills like the democrats.

  12. They are going to try to remove his FBI security so they won’t get blamed when it happens
    I hope some one is listening

  13. Well, a democratic congressman just put up a bill that would cancel secret service protection from any government employee who is convicted of a felony. Odd that would be considered now (or ever) – could he be thinking of someone in particular?

  14. This is “chicken-feed.” Look at what has happened and is happening to US citizens along the border…property illegally taken over by fleeing and marauding “illegal aliens.” There’s even some reports of “rapes and robberies.” Then lets turn our attention to American citizens having their savings and banking accounts frozen or simply eviscerated of ALL monies and savings just for being conservatives ,i.e., simply voicing their opposition to ALL this rampant injustice (thank you Dodd/Frank of the 2010 “defunding bank accounts law” now in force). See, if you think your savings and IRA’S and 401(k)’s are safe…HAH! Think Again, they’re gunnin’ for your “nest egg, PRONTO!!!!” Happened to a staunch American World War Veteran just this past month…left him penniless, without any food for his ailing wife and family…your government working AGAINST YOU. Wake UP AMERICA! SHE’S BEING HOG TIED!!! Amen. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. God Bless.

  15. This is “chicken-feed.” Look at what has happened and is happening to US citizens along the border…property illegally taken over by fleeing and marauding “illegal aliens.” There’s even some reports of “rapes and robberies.” Then lets turn our attention to American citizens having their savings and banking accounts frozen or simply eviscerated of ALL monies and savings just for being conservatives ,i.e., simply voicing their opposition to ALL this rampant injustice (thank you Dodd/Frank of the 2010 “defunding bank accounts law” now in force). See, if you think your savings and IRA’S and 401(k)’s are safe…HAH! Think Again, they’re gunnin’ for your “nest egg, PRONTO!!!!” Happened to a staunch American World War Veteran just this past month…left him penniless, without any food for his ailing wife and family…your government working AGAINST YOU. Wake UP AMERICA! SHE’S BEING HOG TIED!!! Amen. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. God Bless.

  16. Notice that there’s no mention of Greene’s sources for her accusation. I could just as easily accuse the Republicans of hatching a plot to assassinate every Democrat in Congress with the same nonexistent credibility. Given Greene’s history of baseless and absurd accusations, like how forest fires are started by Jews firing lasers from space, before repeating her latest ramblings, it would be a good idea to at least make an attempt to confirm them. Failing that, we can file this along with her other accusations about “peach tree dishes” and “gazpacho police.”

  17. We don’t need gestapo police, we have Biden. If he maintains his “role” as stolen president next election anyone who doesn’t agree with him will be sold to Xi as an American Uygur!


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