Unleashing the Truth: How Democrats’ Shady Tactics Failed in the 2020 Election


The 2020 election will go down in history as one of the most controversial and divisive moments in American politics. As the nation continues to grapple with the aftermath, new developments have emerged that shed light on the Democrats' alleged attempts to manipulate the outcome.

In a surprising turn of events, conservative voices are now speaking out and exposing the underhanded tactics used by their opponents. The recent indictment of Arizona's alternate electors, linked to a prominent Democrat, has ignited a firestorm of speculation and outrage. As the dust settles, it's time to delve into the details and uncover the truth behind this unprecedented twist.

At the heart of this controversy lies the accusation that Democrats in Arizona attempted to illegally sway the 2020 election by employing an alternate set of electors. These electors, chosen by the state's Republican party, were replaced by Democrats who cast their votes for Biden.

This move, if proven true, would be a blatant violation of election laws and a clear attempt to steal the victory from former President Trump. As the indictments were handed down, the conservative camp could not contain their shock and anger, seeing it as a vindication of their long-standing claims of election fraud.

But this is not just about a single incident. It's about a pattern of behavior that has been brewing for years, with Democrats continuously using underhanded tactics to cling onto power. From the Russia collusion hoax to the Ukraine scandal, it's clear that the Left will stop at nothing to undermine their opponents and advance their agenda. And now, with this latest revelation, their desperate attempts to keep Trump out of the White House have been laid bare for the world to see.

The implications of this indictment go beyond Arizona and the 2020 election. It's a wake-up call for all Americans who cherish fair and transparent elections. It's a reminder that the fight for democracy is ongoing and that we must remain vigilant against those who seek to undermine it. The conservative perspective on this issue is crystal clear: the rule of law must be upheld, and those who try to circumvent it must be held accountable. It's time for all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to stand together and demand integrity in our democratic process.

While the mainstream media may attempt to downplay or even ignore this crucial development, conservative voices will continue to sound the alarm. This is not a matter of sour grapes or partisan bickering; this is a matter of protecting the very foundation of our nation. The indictment of the Arizona alternate electors should serve as a warning to all those who think they can manipulate the system for their own gain. The American people deserve to have their voices heard and their votes counted, and we will not stand idly by as those in power try to silence us.

As the dust settles and the truth begins to emerge, one thing is clear: the Democrats' efforts to subvert the will of the people have failed. And while they may try to spin the narrative and shift the blame, the facts cannot be denied. The indictments in Arizona are a significant step towards exposing the truth and holding those responsible accountable. It's time to put an end to the shady tactics and restore integrity to our electoral process. For the sake of our democracy, the truth must prevail.

What are YOUR thoughts on the indictments?

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  1. This corruption must be called out and everyone involved needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and most importantly all the people that have been mistreated and manipulated for calling it out way back when it happened need to be exonerated and also the courts that were hesitant to investigate should be ashamed of themselves transparency is a must in a democracy or it will fail everyone

  2. I think the Democrats are a bunch of bull and I think they are doing everything they can to keep Trump out of the white house

  3. Indictments should have come MUCH earlier ! Next election will be over by the time they go to trial ! And you can bet they are working on another scheme to win the election. Conservatives moving TOO SLOW to get rid of political criminals in our government.

  4. The is not for the American people they want to control every move an American citizen takes. President Trump was right about the fraud that went on in the 2020 election.Right now I think that the Democratic Party should be known as the Communist Democratic Party.

  5. I think it’s more election interference at its finest! I believe our government is a sham and not protecting real Americans they just want us to pay for the immigrants! Our government doesn’t do anything for real true born Americans at all but, keep us working till we die oh and don’t forget taxing is to death on the meantime! I’ll be 60 years old and I’ve never been more posted off than I am today! Wasting our American dollars to go on a witch hunt (Trump)os simply appalling and I might add all of the other countries are watching this all unfold! America is a laughing stock of shame!

  6. Why is trump not in jail for committing treason against The United States of America.
    He should have been taken to jail on June 6th or even before when he started riling his MAGA group up. He caused the death of several people and told his group to “kill Pense”.
    He is not for anyone else but himself and never will be.

    • For God’s Sake Flora, who told you that krap? Lester (NBC) and the Liars? His Maistream Media Pimp allies at ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS? Trump did not tell anyone to kill anyone. He told the protesters to PEACEFULLY march to the Capitol and let your voices be heard. And, a total of ONE person, not two, not three, not “several” died there on Jan. 6: Ashli Babbitt, unarmed protester, 5’2″, veteran, shot by Lt. Michael Byrd of the Capitol Police. Mr. Byrd has not been charged, has not been prosecuted, has not been convicted, has not spent one stinking second in jail. In fact, subsequently, he received a promotion…..for murder! Try expanding your news ihtake to……oh, maybe the TRUTH? Just a thought.

  7. This was not the only thing the liberal gang cheated on. We (the deplorables) have a lot of work to do to suppress the effect of the anticipated cheating now being planned. Are you up to it conservatives?

  8. I believe that if a state is found to have manipulated the outcome of their elections those results should be discarded completely and subtracted from the final count. They must forfeit their right to be counted in any election they attempt to manipulate the outcome of.

  9. THe demos have been doing this for years. Now, they do this in the open without thinking there will be consequences. But, there will be in November. Trump will be elected on NOvember 5, 2024 as the next president of the United States kicking Biden out.
    All of their plans to take Trump out of the race have totally failed & the american people can see thru all their sick plans.

  10. Finally the truth is coming out. Look at the harm the Dems have done to our country. I hope it’s not irreparable. Pray that Trump prevails. I think that he is our last hope. Can we possibly prosecute if we get enough evidence?

  11. You have it backwards. The people indicted were Republicans who sought to put forward a slate of fake Republican electors who would illegally cast their electoral votes for Trump, denying the voters of Arizona, where Biden won a majority, from having their votes counted as they had cast them. No Democrats were involved in this criminal conspiracy.

    However, if they were, the alleged perpetrators will have their day in court. What’s notable is that Ken Chesebro, the Trump lawyer who concocted the fake elector scheme, is absent from the indictment, suggesting that he turned state’s evidence to avoid prosecution, same as he did in Georgia.

  12. With all due respect, Con/Cardinal. If you had done 10 seconds of research, aka journalism, you would have discovered that the AZ indictments were Republicans, not Democrats. Suggest hiring one, maybe even two actual journalists.
    And, “….Democrats’ efforts to subvert the will of the people have failed”? Those efforts not only did not fail, they were enormously successful. They stole the White House and Senate in 2020, many down ballot elections, did crushed the Red Tsunami in 2022 with more election fraud and will do it again this year. Mainstream and Social Media Pimps lied to Americans thousands of times, misinforned them horribly. No doubt you know, as Liberals know…..a lie once told is a lie. A lie told a thousand times is a truth.


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