Conflict Between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro Over Israel-Hamas War


The recent departure of Candace Owens from the Daily Wire has sparked controversy among conservative circles. As a prominent figure in the conservative movement, Owens' split with fellow conservative commentator Ben Shapiro has left many questioning the true values of the right-wing ideology. The root of their conflict? The ongoing Israel-Hamas war. But what truly lies beneath this division between two conservative heavyweights?

In an exclusive interview with our team, Owens reveals her perspective on the Israel-Hamas conflict and her clash with Shapiro, providing insight into the conservative viewpoint that may surprise many. As a staunch supporter of Israel, Owens believes that the country is not only defending itself against terror, but also protecting the Western world as a whole. "The media may paint Israel as the aggressor, but the truth is that Hamas is a terrorist organization targeting innocent civilians," she explains, "and it's our duty as conservatives to stand with Israel in this fight against evil."

Furthermore, Owens firmly believes that the left's support for Palestine is a reflection of their misguided ideology. "It's truly alarming how the left is turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by Hamas," she states. "Their support for Palestine only shows their lack of understanding of the bigger picture and their willingness to align with radical forces that threaten our values and way of life." In Owens' eyes, standing with Israel is not just a political stance, but a moral obligation for conservatives.

On the other hand, Shapiro's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict has been met with criticism from Owens. Despite being known as a conservative voice, Shapiro's condemnation of Israel's actions and call for a ceasefire has raised eyebrows among the right. Owens claims that Shapiro's view is not in line with the conservative values of defending freedom and democracy. "Shapiro's stance is a betrayal to our allies and undermines our fight against terrorism," she argues. "Conservatism is about standing up for what's right, and in this case, it's standing with Israel."

But beyond their differing opinions on the Israel-Hamas conflict, Owens reveals that her departure from the Daily Wire was also due to a lack of alignment with Shapiro's leadership. She claims that Shapiro's control over the platform hindered her from fully expressing her views and having productive debates on crucial issues. "As a conservative, I believe in open dialogue and free speech, but that wasn't something I experienced at the Daily Wire under Shapiro's leadership," Owens shares. "Leaving was the best decision for me and my principles."

While some may see the split between Owens and Shapiro as a rift within the conservative movement, Owens believes it's a necessary step towards staying true to conservative values. "We may have different approaches and opinions, but at the core, we share the same beliefs and goals," she explains. "Our movement is bigger than any individual, and it's important to have healthy debates and disagreements to keep us grounded in our principles."

As the dust settles and the conservative movement navigates this division, one thing is clear: Owens' departure from the Daily Wire has opened the door for a new perspective on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Whether one agrees with her or not, her stance serves as a reminder that conservatism is not a monolith and that differing opinions can coexist within the movement. In the end, it's about staying true to one's values and standing up for what's right, regardless of the consequences.